sobota 19. dubna 2014

Creative writing competition

Dnes z trochu jiného soudku...

Odmalička jsem knihomol. Měla jsem moc ráda ten únik do své (nebo spíše autorovy?) fantazie a nejraději bych strávila celý den s knihou. 

Knihy mám stále moc ráda, i když v poslední době je to na rozmezí se sportem. Můj ideální den by vypadal asi takto: 
- snídaně - čtení knihy - kolo + běh - oběd - čtení knihy - svačina - čtení knihy - bazén - večeře
Dobře, s prací je tento ideální den trochu jinde, touha číst dobré knihy však zůstává. 

Odmalička mám také ještě jednu takovou velikou touhu - psát. Vždycky jsem chtěla napsat něco smysluplného, nějaký příběh, třeba i nějakou knihu, ... Něco, co by si mohli přečíst kamarádi, mamka, prostě něco, co dává smysl. Jenže jsem k tomu nikdy nesebrala odvahu.

Sama nevím.
Jako malá jsem si sice psala deníky, ty jsem však vždy po určité době roztrhala. Prostě se mi nelíbily moje vlastní myšlenky s odstupem času. Nebylo to ONO.
A tak má touha psát zůstala jen v mojí hlavě.

Jednou jsem však uviděla plakát místní jazykové školy, na kterém byl nadpis: Creative writing competition.
Soutěž spočívala v sepsání příběhu, který bude mít maximálně tisíc a jedno slovo. A bude v angličtině.
A deadline byl sakra blízko. Tuším, že to byly čtyři dny.
Neměla jsem moc času, ale věděla jsem, že tohle je příležitost jak se "dokopat" něco napsat a jestli to nebude stát za to, tak to přeci nikdo nezjistí, jen porotci soutěže.
Příběh se mi povedlo napsat, jeho podobu si můžete přečíst níže. A jak to dopadlo v soutěži? No jo, to je ve hvězdách :-)

P. S.: Příběh je v angličtině, takže překlad jistě není stoprocentní. Objevíte-li chybu, dejte mi prosím vědět, ráda se přiučím ze svých chyb.


Memories of Aupair

While I was sleeping I had a beautiful dream full of great memories from Scotland…
I was sitting on the airplane, eating Lindt chocolate (special chocolate which I eat only when I fly because of nervousness) and asking myself: Am I doing right? Was it good decision to quit my job and interrupt my studies at the university? What if nobody will wait at the airport? What if the boy Theo will not like me? What if I will not like him?
While I was walking out from the airport I saw a man in Scottish kilt. Real Scotland, I thought. Then I tried to get in the car from wrong side of the vehicle. Right, driving on the left, I forgot. My host family seemed to be nice even though I understood only two words during the way from the airport. Those two words were „spider“ and „experience“ (later I realised they had an aupair Holly who was afraid of spiders). I was desperate that I did not understand them and thinking how I could get from this country. Maybe next month when I save some money, I thought.
Theo is crying. Oh no, he hates me now, was on my mind. He shouted: „I want Holly! You will never be like her!“ Ok, he needs some time, so do I. It would be better later… or I hoped so.
My first lesson of English. In the church. Well, they probably had cheap rental prices. Young girl was sitting in front of the church. Her name was Bea and she was Spanish. Our conversation was funny. When she wanted to tell me something she had to look for right English words into her Spanish-English dictionary. 
I usually did not know the words she showed me in her dictionary so I had to look for that words into my Czech-English dictionary. It was unusual conversation, but it was working very well by this way.
We were walking home from bus station with Theo. He said: „Renata, I love you“. I thought I must have misheard. „What did you say?“ I asked him. Theo replied: „Yes, I really love you, you have been the best babysitter ever“. There are a few moments in your life when you think you are so happy that you could die right now. This moment was one of them.
I was running on the Portobello beach while the sun was going down and the Seagulls were squawking. 
I would really miss this beach.
I noticed something moving on the floor. Oh my God, huge spider was in my room! Normally in the Czech Republic I call my beloved hero, my mother. But I have not my mum here so I started to call for my host mother: „Kel, please could you help me? I have a giant spider here! Will you save me please?“. Unfortunately, she is also afraid of spiders. She came to my room and asked: „Where is it?“. „Under the bed“ I replied. She went away from my room with words: „Ok, don´t worry, I have an idea“, and came back with a hoover. We must have looked really funny as she was standing on my bed with the hoover and 
I was kneeling on the floor (from safe distance of course) and trying to guess where the spider was running away.
Theo was excited. „When I grow up, I will make the biggest Aero chocolate ever. It will be as big as this park and then I will call you to the Czech Republic and you will come here and we will eat it together.“ I do like being with this little boy.
I definitely got in love with Ceilidh – Scottish dance. Almost two hundred people were dancing in a huge hall and most of the men were wearing traditional Scottish clothing. Dancers stamped very loudly immediately when the band started to play the music even though the dance had not start yet. This atmosphere got you into another world. World, where the only things you perceive are: step forward, turn round, Scottish kilt, two steps backward, awesome music, change a partner, head is spinning. Dancers started to sweat but it does not matter tonight. The only important thing is dance!
I felt quite nervous about approaching day of the Cambridge exam. Theo knew that. Kids are strange creatures, you do not have to say anything but they always know how you feel. Suddenly he said: „Renata, don´t worry. If you pass the exam, I´ll give you a big hug. But if you don´t pass it, I´ll give you a bigger hug.“
I am sitting with my friends at Starbucks coffee in Princes street. We were reassuring one another that we will meet again soon. But we all knew it is not true. „Alright, it´s time to go“, I said and we stood up to say goodbye while we heard song Hallelujah from the radio. I knew I will hate that song because every time 
I hear it I will remember the last time I saw my friends. It is difficult to find good friends, but it is much more difficult to say goodbye to them…

Sunshine was shining on my cheek and I woked up into a beautiful day. „What a great dream I had last night“ I said to my mum, „what a pity I can´t remember it, but I think you were in my dream too.“